If you receive the following batch error "JSON for post data was invalid,Error,converting value "0" to type 'System Guid', Path 'Contact, ContactID', Line 1, Position 73."

Why does this error occur?

usually this error occurs when a new customer or supplier is created in webSAM and it's unable to update Xero with the new Customer or supplier.

To fix this:

Click on the invoice number ( and when the invoice opens click on the 'pencil' icon next to the customers name to open them

You can also open the customer via Accounts and then Customers.

In the 'Xero' tab of the customer you'll see a button to 'Unlink from Xero'


Once this is done a new button 'Add to Xero', will appear, click this and then hit save on the customer record.

Re-open the batch error and click on the notes to re-post the batch