Over time, you may find you've accidentally created some duplicate customers and/or suppliers. 

In this example we will walk you through merging Customers, however the process for merging suppliers is near identical except you will be working with suppliers from the Maintain Suppliers list.

Of course you may have multiple customers who genuinely have the same name, but if this isn't the case and you find you have accidentally created a duplicate of a customer, or imported a duplicate from Xero... here's how to 'merge' them into the one account.

Important Note - If you are using Xero you should be merging customers / suppliers in webSAM using this method, rather than merging them in Xero, as this will make it more complicated for us to support you if there are any issues.

  • Find and edit the customer you want merged into an existing customer record from the Maintain Customers list (let's call this Customer A)
  • Click the Options button and select Merge Customer
  • Next, the customer selection list will display, for you to choose the customer (let's call this Customer B) that you want to merge into Customer A
  • The Customer Merge screen will now show the two customers; showing that Customer A will be merged into Customer B
  • You can click the search icon next to Customer B if you need to reselect a different account to merge into
  • Click Merge to finalise this action

Now your customer list should only show Customer B as the details for Customer A have been merged into it.

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